7th Generation Character Design Workshops

Skins 7th Gen Character Design Workshop

We love science-fiction. But we noticed that very few Indigenous people show up in books, shows or games that depict the future. We want to change that, and believe that we can thrive by encouraging people to envision ourselves in seven generations. In this workshop, participants are guided in designing futuristic characters with pencil and paper. Discussion is encouraged.

Prerequisites: None

Duration: 2 hours – 2 weeks

We designed this workshop in response to a request to have a workshop that did not require computers or an internet connection, so we can do this one even without electricity! 2 hours is the optimal length of time for the pencil and paper workshop. The workshop can be extended to include 3D modeling and printing of the character created. 2 weeks of instruction is optimal for the 3D printing workshop.

Past 7th Gen Character Design Workshops