
7th Gen Character Design – LoHxBAM

7th Gen Character Design

  • Location: Concordia University
  • Date: October 17, 2022
  • Duration: 1 session of 2.5 hours
  • Instructors: Skawennati and Nancy Townsend, Shirley documenting


In this iteration of the SKINS 7th Gen Character Design workshop, the team worked with Landscapes of Hope x Bennett Centre – Argylll Centre – Metro Continuing Education, Edmonton Public Schools (LoHxBAM). Eleven Black and Indigenous high school students from Edmonton visited Concordia University to work collaboratively throughout the week via immersive workshops to build a multi-media installation in response to key question and themes raised by the group in relation to the theme of The Unseen and The Unheard, such as:

  • How might we learn to pay attention to that which is difficult to see, difficult to hear? How might we listen and see differently?
  • What is research-creation? How might research-creation methods shift the questions we are able to ask? How might research-creation methods allow us to attune differently to the world?
  • How do we make decisions (and what does it feel like) when we think about representing our own experiences and the experiences of others?

After introductions and the Ohén:ton Karihwatéhkwen, participants were taught the concepts of Seven Generations and the Future Imaginary, then guided through the basics of character design. By answering a list of questions we provided, the participants used their imaginations to dream up fun characters ranging from futuristic space navigators to gentle gardeners on earth.

  • In this iteration, the Skins team taught a workshop to 11 Black and Indigenous youth at Concordia University during October. Over the course of a couple hours, students learned 7th Generation Character Design, where they used their imaginations to dream up fun characters ranging from space navigators to gardeners on earth.

Funded in part by:

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