Welcome to AbTeC Island – University of Tennessee at Chattanooga
- Location: Online (Second Life)
- Date: March 9 2023
- Duration: 1 hour
- Instructors: Nancy Townsend, Caeleigh Lightning
In this one hour block, divided into two groups, Nancy and Caeleigh introduced and led 30 students around AbTeC Island. These students were part of Professor Amber Hickey’s “Land, Sovereignty, and Art” course from the University of Tennessee at Chattanooga.
Each student was instructed to make their own avatar and find the Island in advance so that we could make the most of our time walking (or flying!) around the candy-colored, interactive world. Many were thrilled to see familiar sets, like Hunter’s apartment from Skawennati’s “TimeTraveller™” machinima. Additionally, many were intrigued by AbTeC Gallery and the concept of transmediating Indigenous Art into cyberspace.
We hope and expect this tour will churn up some excitement as we begin to revamp the Gallery for new, upcoming, virtual exhibitions.
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