Avatar Creation Workshop – Immersivité et innovations technologiques
- Location: AbTeC Island
- Date: October 27th, 2020
- Duration: 2 hours
- Instructors: Maize Longboat, Skawennati, Shirley Ceravolo
Overview: Instructors Maize Longboat, Skawennati, and Shirley Ceravolo welcomed an enthusiastic group of workshop participants from the Immersivité et innovations technologiques colloque who were interested in designing avatar representations of themselves. Participants’ virtual bodies were first teleported to AbTeC Island, our cyberspace headquarters located in Second Life, and were then shown the basics of how to use the platform. This included how to move around the space and use the camera, how to edit their avatar’s appearance, and how to shop for new bodies, hair, clothing and accessories using the online Second Life Marketplace. Everyone was provided a modest budget of Linden Dollars, Second Life’s virtual currency, to customize themselves to their liking. Many participants returned a couple nights later for a guided tour of AbTeC Island and a live in-world performance by the Montreal-based multidisciplinary artist and AbTeC RA Swarm.
Images by AbTeC / Carl Therrien