Machinima Workshop at Eastern Bloc
by IIF
January 30, 2016

She:kon! Day two of the Machinima Workshop had everyone diving into pre-production.
Participants showed YouTube clips of scenes they would like to use as reference for their machinimas. Abstract concepts, tattoo art and Star Trek came into the mix as inspiration. Some more tools were given for participants to use. Extra avatars were assigned to projects to use for acting, along with extra team mates. 3D mice were handed out as an option for smoother camera work.
How many actors would be needed? How many outfits and props? What will be needed for the environment and set? Armed with a budget and a plan the shopping in Second Life’s marketplace began. The delicate art of shopping user-created content was explored as people wondered what assets could be shared and changed. Even animations were bought from the marketplace.
Walking through the sandbox on AbTeC island shows the three very different sets coming together. A bright and fantastic nature scene grows as a small robot and floating jellyfish build the scene. A few steps away will bring you to the tattoo artist’s wall with four chairs lined up in a row. The final stop is a glowing door leading into a Star Trek inspired sci-fi set.

Large portions of the day were spent working, French and English voices mixed with the gentle tapping and clicking of keyboard and mice. Sitting together and working towards the same goal in a creative environment kept everyone focused and having fun.

Everyone is excited to see what will be done as the third day comes, check back to see the final results!