Remembering Tomorrow: Archiving Indigenous Digital Art

Remembering Tomorrow: Archiving Indigenous Digital Art featured a series of keynote presentations by prominent thinkers and makers from the areas of Indigenous art history + archives; digital arts practices + preservation; and library + archives services. The one-day conference focused on Indigenous determined archives, particularly how Indigenous digital art fits in and with them. The conference emerged out of discussions related to the Initiative for Indigenous Future’s development of its own Indigenous digital art archive.
Presented by
The Initiative for Indigenous Futures
Gail and Stephen A. Jarislowsky Institute for Studies in Canadian Art
The Centre for Interdisciplinary Studies in Society and Culture
Keynotes by
Sherry Farrell Racette (Art Historian and Artist, University of Regina)
Dragan Espenschied (Director of Preservation, Rhizome)
Camille Callison (Librarian, Archivist and Anthropologist, University of Manitoba)