7th Gen Character Design – Centre d’exposition de Val-d’Or
- Locations: École Amik-Wiche, Lac Simon, QC & Centre d’amitié autochtone, Val-d’Or, QC
- Date: September 30th, 2019
- Duration: 2 sessions of 2 hours
- Instructors: Maize Longboat, Kahentawaks Tiewishaw
Overview: This pair of workshops asked two groups of Indigenous participants from the Val-d’Or, QC area to each imagine and sketch a descendant of theirs living seven generations in the future. The first 2-hour workshop took place in the morning at École Amik-Wiche in the Anishinaabe community of Lac Simon with a class of teenage participants. The second workshop was held in the evening at the Val-d’Or Native Friendship Centre with teenagers and young adults living locally who signed up to participate. In addition to the character sketches, these workshops also provided a unique opportunity to create 3D prints of the characters. The sketches were sent to the Université du Québec en Abitibi-Témiscamingue (UQAT) to be turned into 3D models by a group of students. Finished 3D characters have since been printed and exhibited at Centre d’exposition de Val-d’Or in Fall 2020.