src="https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/5/5b/Grib_skov.jpg" />
I’m on my way to my grandma’s house for dinner. It’s a warm summer evening and the sun is starting to set in the west. I enter the forest that surrounds her house and soon come at a fork in the path. I can’t remember the best way to get to grandma’s. Should I [[go left]] or [[go right?]]The orange light of the setting sun streams through the trees as you walk down the left path deeper into the forest. After a few minutes you start to hear the steady hum of moving water nearby. You come around a bend and a beautiful waterfall comes into view. You [[stop for a moment|waterfall]] and take in the scene.Soon after walking down the right path you come to a makeshift dock rising out of a silent slow-moving creek. A birchbark canoe is tied to the dock, gently rocking from side to side. Seeing no other way forward you get into the vessel and continue your journey by water. Not long after pushing off the speed of the creek quickens and the sound of crashing water gets louder and louder. You paddle to shore and see a waterfall up ahead. That could have been ugly! You decide to [[take a short rest|waterfall]].The relaxing lull of the waterfall has caused you to lose track of time. The sun has set and now you’re late for dinner at grandma’s! You spot a light in a window through the trees and brush. It’s grandma’s house! You emerge from the forest and step inside to the smell of freshly fried bannock and spicy hamburger soup. Time to eat!
the end
<span class="bigtext">THE END.</span>